
Monday, May 25, 2009

Important people in my Life

Ok Firstly i would like to introduce alll of you my small family members which

The leader of the family- Mr. Sulaiman Bin Hashim
Assisstant- Mrs. Khafsah Haji Kadir

Decorate family-Nur liana

Funny&sweetest- Nur izzah

Simple&sporty- Maisarah

There are my sweet family..which full with their own attitude but stilll together untill now.. p/s: pic ni kelakar skit..sbb tahun ble tah ..muke masing2 haiya.hehe.. tp nk wt cne.sush nk dpt pic my mum and dad ni

Now for the next level, im talking bout my big happy family which are my mother side..

Gambr belah kiri 2-pic afni and my sis..(afni is my father side-sesat lak) my BIG family ..
Pic atas,my mak uda and her family..husband die lambat skit dtg..
Pic bawah ni mak busu and makciknye family..
Masa ni raye..i think the most best event in my family bile time raya..
rmai2 berkumpul2...makan sama2..membebel sm2..
Rya pertama besenye g umah nenek kt spore,
then umah wan(sebelah ayah) kat desa cemerlang..
Second day..g umah sedara2 kat spore rmai2 naik van ke konvoi kereta tak pun lori..
Best sangat!!...
Yang paling best sekali ..even dh besar gajah cmni..still dpt duit raya tu..
asalkan gue blum kawen..hehe
K to go..
dah kenal my family dats me!!

0 imagination: