
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Nothing 2 say... back..
It is such a long time i didnt blogging..
Okay..nothing interesting to start right now..
just baru2 ni im little bit confused...boreed..not in happy mood.. macam entahlah..
ape tah yg dok pikiaq 24 jam.
malas pun ade..
and miss someone 2 much pun ade..
i dont know why..
im not so happy right now..
i need something..spirit or i dont know..

Okay firstly last week is my bday..(29 Mei 2009)
Dah beso upenye ak ni..
dah masuk 23 perangai tak ubah2 gak..
dok tang tu gak..
im still wondering what i have achieve for my age rite now..
seems nothing
however..nothing interesting bout my usual..
memaang jarang sambutlah mum akan beli kek ..
and no present from my family rite noow..
sebab masing2 poket kosong..haha
its ok..i dont mind at all..
slalunye my sis akan bg surprise..
tp disebabkan die busy keje..
ak sendiri yg turun padang beli kek utk diri sendiri...

so then skrg sbuk crk keje..
while waiting for my prac..
confuse nk keje ke tak..
klu tak keje ..takde lah duit..
well in my family situation..
i need more money to support myself and them
its so pity if i cant help them..
then my boyfriends is so busy rite now..
and keep talking bout work..
so pity to him and myself too..
Ok lah nothing to say rite to go..

p/s:ari2 format laptop..2 yg lame tak 0n9..

0 imagination: