
Saturday, October 11, 2008

RaYe...Camat ari raye..

How miracle our life?
How nice and lovely this life..
After Ramadhan, there are Raya which for us celebrate after one month we fasting for our food, drinks and everything..
I'm really love dis month of Hari Raya,,
I dont know why..but it such so fun..

My lovely Mum& My Grandpa& Grandma Me& Haffis(Sm1)
First bju 4 hari raya

Crazy Sis Cmey x..Geramnye. Me&Second Bju 4 Raya Haffis n Bju Raya 2nd sis Mai..My 3rd Sis Perangai Gle me&cousin

How Fun in this time..when me& my family..Celebrate our hari raya day in spore..
It is such fun things that i really like in my life..
There are too many attitude that could we see in this picture..which when my family gather..
Huh..with crazy auntie and cousin..
Macam2...Aneka gaya dan ragam..
Especially there Mak Yung..My cousin which pregnant..
We called her bunting pelamin..Haha...too fast..
However..thats is nice time and nice thing..
Love u all...mUAhhhhh...
Maaf klu ade terkasar bahasa, termakan terminum..
Without all of people surround me..
I will not be who i am..

0 imagination: