
Monday, July 27, 2009

Saje jek....

Well ari ni not a good day for me actually..
too many consequences and challenges in my life which need my tears more than my laugh..huh!
family things sometimes too complicated rite..
tp nk wt cne..dats my life..
ok ari ni tak ckp byk sgt..juz nk tunjuk pic keje jek .. my lovely fren..
why...ak perm rambut ..
so skrg rmbut ak kerinting..
nk tunjuk pic tak leh lah kat cni..
tak lah teruk sgt...
tp budak2 ni ckp comel lah..
(ooopppsss..perasan skit..)ahahaha..
so enjoy the pic..
tak amek byklah..
sbb dh start busy...
lupe lak amek pic time pelancaran rumah 20p..flat kat bandar baru uda...
Ok lah..chow...

Ni action jek lebih makcik ni..heheh

aisey...pkai blazer..nmpk muk lak...

me...zila and ili

no comment

cntek tak baju ni..saje try

2 imagination:

Nurul Nazurah Nasri said...

hehe,..ala,..nk tgk,..hmm, je ade member masa praktikal,..hihi

nobody_eka said...

cano lak eden nk ke..
hm,...bolehlah...meriah r gak..hahah