
Saturday, November 21, 2009

I'm so sad...

Today is the most worse day for me..
How embarass i am to my boss..
and how could others treat me like this.

2oth november - My last day of work'
But i have to work again 22th..
i dnt know why..but they said i have to..
dat is the rules of work..
even angry and had intention to skip..
ok fine..just go on..
which haffis said..just work coz afraid people will do something to me..

But really not feeling so well..
3days head spinning like crazy..
tp still tahan..well just few days to end this work..

THEN worse nightmare...
i call kak why to tell her that i couldnt come to work bcoz im really sick rite now..
feeling like to throw and head dizzy..
she didnt pick up when my sis call her..
Ok fine, never mind juz msg her or else they will blame me for everything..
After that, u know what she reply to me

Call Puan Morita sendiri,
sebab dia yang nilai report kau...

Peh, org sakit di suh call, bkn nk tolong..
Ok fine, i try to call her,
she;s not even pick up,
Oklah,...msg her..then she said today is my last day..
then, i think ok lah..but i really dizzy..cne nk layan customer..
dr smlm tak kurang..mata dh lah blur..
Ari tu apis amek ak dr umah zila sbb nk suh g doc..(gle ak tak nak)
but i think zila will think bad about..
never mind people always sangka buruk kt ak..

Then the most saddest thing in my world..
with tears and feel hurt..

She reply..
Nape last minit?
Kan 2day ur last day..
i just receive sms frm others said u juz making excuses...
Is it true??

How do u feel when u r at my place??
Im making excuses..
yes i had intention b4 to skip but today im really sick ..
and they said im making excuses..
why they really love to blame me??
what is my fault to them??
Astaghfirullah...bukan ke memfitnah itu berdosa...

Whatever pun i forgive them..coz no hard feeling even so sad..
but i hope they realize what they have done to me..
I know they hate me bcoz my face always look glum and aangry..
but i ask them back did i ever raise my voice to them..especially KAK WHY..
what i have done to u..dat make u really hate me dat much and not even trust me..
why u dont even know me 1st...
is it i am freak and not funny like zila ...
u really dislike me dat much..

Jaga booth slalu sorang2..
well kdg2 kesian dgn yg len sbb gaji utk jg booth shari cume RM10..
ok never mind..
Today..even im feel so sick..i really felt to tell all story that i felt in my praktikal..
that i thought i dnt even want to talk about..

2 imagination:

Nurul Nazurah Nasri said...

pitty u yana. besabar je la ok.

nobody_eka said...

little bit glad coz im away from dat now..
but i think it will be more in our new world...
so scareee...
no good frens anymore like all of you!!