
Saturday, November 21, 2009

so angry dat time..

20th is suppose to be my last day untill en faizal ask me about my last day..
he said my name still on duty for 22th..
so he said he dnt wnt to sit there alone..
im shock aik kak why tak tahu ke ak dh tak keje..
ok fine..i ask zila..and zila said..never mind u dnt have to go to work..

suddenly,...breakfast time..
zila said yana ko kena keje sbb ko kena habiskan minggu tu jugak..
klu kena jaga booth..kena jagalah..
i silent and stare her ..
dat time i felt all my blood running to my head..
i felt so angry and said to myself what kind of company is this..
my contract are finish on 20th..and why i have to work ..
sedangkan zila and siti is there..
i am so angry...and make me silent..and when i talk voice is too serious
but i didnt raise voice or angry to them especially siti..
why others people they could understand..why not me..
zila said i cant expect that other people would understand me like her..
but why kak mar when she looks glum or angry and i ask them ..
they said kak mar mcm g2..
then when its going to be me..
no one could accept that...
is it fair.??
juz bcoz im new or im freak..
Then i know im wrong even i told fad dat i want skip..
i want they felt what i felt,..they love to attack me but they dont even realize..
but dat time i am so angry..dats all..
but then i think better i work..or it would be other people burden...
but sori..i really cant work..
i know en faizal could nt come to work..
and is it fair i come alone when im sick..
and they said sick is excuses..

Betul kata someone..keje kt c2..
very hard..
nk kena tunggu org tu pengsan nak percaya..
YA ALLAH..kuatkanlah semangat aku menghadapi semua ini..

0 imagination: